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The trip to Venice via Belgium, Germany, Austria Italy and back.

Friday 8 October 2010

Wednesday 6th October - Day 33

The weather forecast says that the weather is better to the south and west so I think it's time to move. Yesterday, Tuesday, I went to Vienna again and saw the ramaining things that were on the list. Top of the list was the house where Beethoven spent several years. It is by what was the city wall.  It's a very fine building still and probably a really expensive place to live now and then. As the lady on the cas deskl said you could feel his soul in the house.  

The house where Beethoven lived
4th floor, top left

The other thing yesterday was the St Michael's Church which is next to the Hoffburg which was the Kaiser's palace in Vienna. Now much of it is occupied by Government offices. St michael's church is the one where Mozart's fundral took place and where the first performaance of the 'Requiem' took place. His story was really one of riches to rags. After the superb appartment in Vienna next to the cathedral, courted by princes and with plenty of money and support, it is thought that Mozart took heavily to gambling. Whereas he could often get rich friends to lend him the money it did hit the buffers finally. He died penniless.

There was not much pleasure in walking around in the damp weather but I persevered and ticked off the remaining things on the list then back to the camp site.  

Beethoven lying next to me!
 On Wednesday I almost called it a day in  Vienna and headed for the sun. However I still hadn't been to the Central Cemetery in Vienna to see the Musicians Corner. It would have been a pity not to do this. So on Wednesday I drove there - about 15 miles - to the other side of Vienna. It is an enormous cemetery and in pride of place there are several of the musicians who were key to life in Vienna. Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert make up a central threesome with Brahms and others around the edge. I'm glad I made the effort; it would have been a mikstake not to have. Interestingly there are lots of people on a similar 'pilgrimage' as me.

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